Tuesday, November 15, 2011

If You're Struggling

Today, I don't want to do a long blog post. I have seen a lot of hurt this week, and while I may not know what to say, this song is one of the most encouraging I've ever heard. So, if you are struggling, be it with friends, relationships, family issues, schoolwork, stress, etc- big or small, listen to this song and "let go, and let God."

Wishing you all many blessings on your week.

Be salt and light!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An "Attractional" Church...an "Incarnational" Church...or both?

Today in my “Planting Churches Cross-Culturally” class with Dr. Bill Richardson, we discussed an “attractional” church verses a “incarnational” church. An attractional church is one that has people come to it. A church that tries to get the lighting right, the seats comfortable, the youth minister “hip” enough, the powerpoint presentation interesting and eye-catching, a great VBS, etc. An incarnational church is one that reaches out, that goes into the world to reach people. An example was given of a church that doesn't have a building, they just go to the inner city and reach out to people every Sunday. They don't expect people to just come to them, they go to people. To be honest, I was really struggling with class today. The book we are reading seemed to be implying that the best way, the only way, was to be a strictly incarnational church. I had trouble with this- the church holds great importance in the New Testament. The gathering of believers was held in high regard and instruction was given on orderly worship. So how could be a strictly incarnational church, yet still hold to the biblical importance of the gathering of believers and the method of worship outlined in the first century?

If you know me at all, you've heard me talk about the Burleson Church of Christ. This is my home congregation. No matter where I go in the world, Burleson will always be my home, and it was when I started thinking about Burleson Church of Christ that I realized- we can be both! We can be an incarnational AND attractional church. There is a happy medium. Burleson does a wonderful job of this. We have a great staff of elders, deacons, ministers that go into the world and minister to those that need it. It is not, however, just limited to the staff. The great thing about Burleson is that “going out into the world” is given such great importance. We have things that make us an attractional church. We have guest speakers and VBS and seminars that we advertise, we have a “hip” (I put it in air quotes because of the silly word, not because Mark isn't cool) youth minister, an awesome worship leader, a great college minister and comfortable seating, and that brings people into our doors. But we also have wonderful outreach programs. These are not just limited to the adults, either. In the summer the kids have something once a week where they come up to church and do a service project. The youth has “Servant Saturdays” in which they go into the community and help others, or “Uplift Tour” where they sing for different members of our church. The church, young and old, gets together at Thanksgiving and again at Christmas to get together baskets for people in Burleson that need help for the holidays. If they can't come pick it up, we take it to them. I could go on and on about the wonderful job that Burleson does of reaching out to the community. But if we just did service projects every Sunday instead of going to church, then where could people go for support from fellow Christians, or where could we bring the people who like what we are showing them and want to learn more? This is why the meeting together is so important. We must go show people the love of Jesus, and that can and will change their lives. But once they realize they need a change, they will need support. And we have that. We can show them “Look, you have a family here that loves you and supports you and cares deeply about you. We can pray for you, we can sit with you, we can help you.” This is why we need a body of believers to gather. To be uplifted, to uplift others, and to be with their family.

I'm not saying Burleson is perfect, no church is. I just know that, growing up in Burleson, service and reaching out is something that was ingrained in me from a very young age. And whether you are a a member of Burleson or another congregation, I would encourage everyone to take a good look at the ministry of your life. Are you reaching out to people? Is your light bright enough that people notice a difference..and want that difference? I know, it's definitely easier said than done. But we need to make sure we don't become so comfortable in our pews, with our dim lights and cool powerpoint slides, that we forget that while we're sitting inside, there are people out there hungry and desperate for the love and power and change that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus. This week- reach out. It's as simple and difficult as that.

Be salt and light!!

Monday, October 24, 2011

What if...

"....'What' and 'If' are two words as non-threatening as words can be. But put them together side-by-side and they have the power to haunt you for the rest of your life." -Letters to Juliet

I love this quote. Granted, it is a movie as corny as all get-out and if you know me you've probably heard me make fun of it at least once. The above quote though is one of my favorites from any movie, because it is so true. When thinking about this quote and what I wanted to write on tonight, I thought of the song "The Motions" by Matthew West. If you haven't heard it, I would recommend listening to it before I continue.

This is such a powerful song. Matthew West says that he will do anything to avoid asking "What if" in regards to his faith. I think this is a passion that we should all seek to have. In our relationship with God and in our relationship with others, we shouldn't ever have to ask ourselves "What if". I know something that I have been thinking a lot about lately is the question "Am I doing everything in my power to show everyone around me the love of God?" This is a difficult and condemning question. I am ashamed to admit that there are people that I see hurting in my daily life that I pass by. Sometimes without thinking about it, but sometimes I just think that there's nothing I can do for that person. But...what if? What if I stopped and talked to that person? What if I sent them a text message just to let them know I was praying for them? What if all they needed was a hug to lift their spirits? I am trying to live every day to where, at the end of the day, I don't have to ask "what if". I don't want to doubt that I gave everything that day because of my commitment to God and to doing His will.

"Just ok is not enough, help me fight through the nothingness of this life. I don't want to go through the motions, I don't want to go one more day without Your all-consuming passion inside of me. I don't want to spend my whole life asking 'What if I had given everything?' instead of going through the motions." My challenge to you this week is to do everything you possibly can to show God to those around you. It's as simple and as difficult as that. Try and see people through the eyes of Jesus, and I promise you that you will bless so many people because of that.

Be salt and light!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Service In It's Best Form

I have been so blessed in many ways. One of these ways is by having good, solid friendships with people who challenge me in my faith. Sometimes these challenges can be hard to swallow, but they are always needed. The most recent challenge that got me thinking came to me in an e-mail. Many of you know Evan, and if you have ever been around him you know that faith challenges come from all directions from him. He asked me the question, "What has been your biggest "light bulb" moment from God?" I had never been asked this before, and I'm sad to say I was stumped for a little bit! I was trying to think of a single moment in time when I just knew that God was telling me something, and I realized there had been many, many of them. But then a time came to me, and I knew what moment was my biggest "light bulb moment" from God. It wasn't a single event though, it was a series of events that drew me closer to God than anything has since.

If you have spent any time around me, ever, then I have probably told you about the mission trip my church youth group took to Piedras Negras, Mexico. They were building a church by hand, and we had gone down to help them. We had to dig 6 feet deep, 4 feet across holes for the support pillars to go into, and we soon found out a lot of where we were digging was solid rock. So people would use a jack hammer to break up some of the ground, then others would go in and scoop out the rock with shovels, and the process would begin again. I actually got to use a jack hammer, it was pretty awesome! This trip was so special to me, because it drew me closer to the friends I already had and even helped me make some of the most important friendships of my life. What changed me, however, was someone who lived there. The second day of working, me and my friend Jessica were working on one of the holes when a man approached us and in Spanish said he and another guy were needing a couple people to help them lay the bricks, and asked if we would want to help. We said sure and went over to help them. Now, in later reflection, I realize they probably just wanted to get us away from the power tools, but I guess we'll never really know. They introduced themselves- the man who approached us was named Ronnie and the man with him was named Bennie. Now Ronnie was speaking only Spanish to us, but Bennie was trying to learn English so he would ask us what different words were in English. That day as we worked Ronnie and Bennie asked us questions and showed us how we were going to lay the bricks and get them to be even. Me and Jess absolutely LOVE to sing, and turns out so did these guys. The problem was, we didn't know the songs in Spanish and they didn't know them in English. We actually both learned songs in the opposite language, which was cool. But we came up with a solution- we would sing songs that had different parts and just sing them in our respective languages. Our favorite song got to be "Someday". If you haven't heard it I would recommend looking it up- it's beautiful. As we were singing it I got to thinking about how cool it was that we were from different cultures, had trouble communicating, and yet we all worshiped the same God and found a way to worship together.

All week, I had been struggling to understand/talk to Ronnie. I was talking to a girl from the church there (she spoke fluent English) a few nights into our trip, and communicated my frustration over the difficulty to her. She looked confused and said, "Ronnie is one of the best English speakers we have here." I was shocked! The next day I went up to him and told him his ruse was up, and asked why he hadn't told me. He chuckled and said "Well, me hermana, I know both English and Spanish. So, it will help you talk to others more here if I speak in Spanish to you." He then, of course, resumed to talking only in Spanish to me. But I got to thinking about it, and he had been teaching me so much and that he was right.

Another thing I noticed about Ronnie was that he was the first person there in the morning, and the last one to leave at night. He was also one of the most cheerful people out there working. He would joke around with me and Jessica about how strong we were going to get and would make fun of the stuff we would say. No matter how tough the work got or how rainy it was, nothing could get him down. I was so impressed by his dedication to making the building the best it could be. I asked someone from the church towards the end of the trip if Ronnie was a deacon or preacher there or just one of the members. They told me that Ronnie actually wasn't a member there. They told me he went to a church in another town. This blew me away. One of the hardest, most cheerful workers there didn't even go to that church.

That, my friends, is being the hands and feet of Jesus. Ronnie saw a need, and he filled it with a glad and sincere heart. All that week he had been teaching me and Jess words in spanish, but it wasn't until later that I realized that he had taught us so, so much more. He had taught us the true meaning of service. He worked his hardest and expected absolutely nothing in return.

The last night we were there we were saying goodbye and crying. Ronnie hugged us and quoted us a line that we had been singing all week- "Peace and joy and happiness, no more sorrow- someday." He said "Someday soon we will see each other again. No need to cry, it is happy." At the time, I was thinking very literally. Next year we were scheduled to go back to Piedras Negras, and so I'd get to see him them. Since then, the unrest in Mexico has caused our church to be unable to go back. As I am writing this, I am fighting tears because I realize what Ronnie meant. We many not see each other in this world. But someday we will get to see Ronnie again.

Because of Ronnie, I see the world differently. Because of that week and the impact he had on me, I want to be a servant that expects absolutely nothing in return. I know that Jesus is going to accept Ronnie and say "Well done, my good and faithful servant." And because of Ronnie, I am striving to be another one that Jesus greets with that same phrase.

My challenge to you this week is this- be a servant. Our time on earth is short, and we should all remember that we are working towards a greater goal than anything this earth can offer. Find five people this week, and do something nice for them that they cannot repay you for. Send a note of encouragement, send them anonymous flowers to let them know that you appreciate them and the impact they have on you, or give someone a call that you have been holding something against, and say those freeing words "I forgive you."

Someday, Someday, Someday, Someday

Peace and joy and happiness, no more sorrow...someday.

Gotta be ready when He calls my name, I gotta be ready when He calls my name, I gotta be ready when he calls my name...someday.

The trumpet will sound and all the dead will rise, we'll walk the streets of gold...someday.

Be salt and light!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Re-framing- Even to the point of silliness

Re-framing is a term I first heard my sophomore year of high school in Leadership class. We discussed how we should re-frame situations to make them seem better than they really were. Now, a couple times since them I have re-framed a few things here and there, but I haven't ever really committed to what I will now call "Living a Re-Framed Life".

This year I have gotten very close to an wonderful, dear person- my friend Nicole. Today we had the opportunity to talk about how God is working in our lives and it is amazing to watch how He is working through her to not only change me, but everyone around her. This has been such a blessing in my life. One thing in particular that Nicole and I have discussed recently is the very issue of re-framing. I don't remember how it started, but we realized maybe we were complaining a tad too much about things. So we decided to try and think of an alternative for it. There are the obvious and easy ones- someone cuts you off in traffic, and you can say "oh, they didn't see me!" or maybe someone doesn't hold the door open for you and you think "they must be running really late for something". Some, however, are not so easy. Some take creativity. For example, the other day I was in line to buy coffee and this girl cut DIRECTLY in front of me. It was very obvious I was there and that she saw me. I didn't say anything, and later when talking to Nicole I joked "Maybe she was so dehydrated that if she didn't get coffee THAT MINUTE she was going to pass out." Another example is if you trip, you can think "Well, I wouldn't have gotten to feel how soft the ground was if I hadn't tripped!" or if you drop your chocolate cake before you get a chance to eat it (always a tragedy) you can think "Well, I didn't really need the extra calories anyway."

Now, I realize some of these examples are a little extreme and most of the "re-frames" are pretty silly. But I've noticed it really does help me keep a brighter perspective on life. Because even if there is zero chance of the re-framing being accurate (the coffee line cutter) it can make you laugh and then you feel better. It also becomes habit, so when someone is rude to you it becomes almost second nature to think "Maybe they just weren't having the best day today".

I think that we should all try and live "A Re-Framed Life". I am no where near where I want to be on this, but if you try and be aware that we never know the full circumstances surrounding a person and their actions, then it becomes easier to cut people some slack. And I think that we need to cut people some slack. We live in an ever increasing "One strike you're out" world, and I believe that needs to change. We are all humans. We make mistakes. Recently I have become very aware that we can not, as Christians, give people just one or two chances and then kick them to the curb. We are told to forgive...and forgive...and forgive some more. We are also told to be encouragers, not people that bring others down. By re-framing, it makes it easier to forgive others and to encourage those. Instead of getting angry at someone when they are short with you, remember that maybe we don't know the full story, and a little encouragement to that person can go a long way.

My challenge to you this week is to re-frame, re-frame, re-frame. Even if you have to be silly and come up with extreme examples, still try and re-frame the situation and put it in a more positive light. From my experience, the world will seem a little brighter if you do so.

Be salt and light!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just His Presence

I have wanted to be a missionary for...well it feels like forever. But lately, doubts started popping up in my mind.

Doubts like...

"What if people don't like me or want to listen to me?"

"What if I can't make a difference?"

"What if I'm not a good enough speaker?

"What if I don't know enough?"

These questions, and more, have been plaguing me for a while now. It's been quite the downer, because this is what I wanted to do with my future. I wanted to minister to people, whether I went to a foreign land or showed Jesus to someone just down the street. But how can I do that with all my shortcomings? Needless to say, I was definitely stressing out about my future.

And then a speaker at Downtown Church of Christ's Sunday night singing service (wow, try saying "Sunday Night Singing Service" five times fast) really touched my heart and got me to thinking. So this post will be a compilation of my thoughts throughout the week.

When God appeared to Moses, Moses had reasons as to why he could not go to Egypt. In the same way, when God appeared to Gideon, Gideon also had his list of shortcomings ready to recite to God. Both of these men, like me, had reasons as to why they did not think they were fit to minister to those that God was calling them to minister to. The next part of these men's stories, though, is what made me realize how silly I had been.

God doesn't say "No, no Moses! You're the best public speaker out there! You're going to do great, because you have such a talent for negotiation. I need your gift." God also doesn't say to Gideon, "No, you're definitely old enough! You are going to do great. I mean, look at how great you are at talking to people and getting people to listen!"

No, there was no reassurance of their talents. Not once did God say, "With your talents, you can do this."

What's my point?

My point is that we need to be focusing on what God DOES promise them. He doesn't reassure them and tell them that THEY can do it. God instead promises that He will be with them. That's it. It has nothing to do with the people and everything to do with God and His mighty power.

Once I realized that, my whole view began to change. I had been so wrapped up in worrying if my talents were developed enough to change people's lives and if my talents were good enough to make a difference. This isn't about me. This is about God doing amazing, wonderful works. This is about God touching people's hearts. He doesn't need me, He doesn't need us. And yet, He allows us to play a part in making people's lives better. If we help Him in His works, it's a gift that He has given us, not a requirement for His plans to succeed.

My encouragement to you this week would be to remember that His presence is what He promises us, and that His presence in our lives is so much more than enough for all of us. And when you get discouraged because of your shortcomings, remember that God was never relying on us. It is us that needs to learn to fully rely on Him, and that no matter how unworthy or ungifted you think you are, it's never about you and your abilities. So don't worry if you think you're not good enough to help someone, because God can work through anyone, wherever they are and use whatever abilities they have to glorify Him.

Be salt and light!!


Monday, September 5, 2011

My Own Little World

I have recently been amazed by one of my friends. Everyday he does something that just shows me the love he has for Christ. One thing fairly recently that showed me this was that he wanted to take sandwiches to the homeless in the town we were in. Now, he didn't really tell people he was doing this (He's as humble as they come). When he got there he was told it was dangerous to hand out the sandwiches and that it would be foolish to do so. I was worried and obviously asked him not to, and he ended up not. He took the sandwiches he had spent hours making to a homeless shelter where they would be put to good use. He was so upset because he couldn't do more to help. It wasn't because he wanted the credit for himself, it was because he genuinely was upset that there wasn't more that he could do to help the people he encountered.

This was amazing to me. The passion he has for helping people astounds me everyday. He is the kind of person I aspire to be. I recently heard (and sub sequentially, became obsessed with) a song called My Own Little World by Matthew West. I would encourage you to listen to the song and really think about what it's saying.

It's so easy to write off people and say "well, it's THEIR fault they are in that situation, so I don't need to do anything" or "well, someone else will help them"...and the list goes on. But we are called to be that person that helps others.

My challenge to you is to look outside "your own little world" and help someone that needs it.

Be salt and light!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

True Beauty

"The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows & the beauty of a woman only grows with passing years. "
— Audrey Hepburn

I recently re-ran across this quote and again fell in love with it. I know this is probably the most overstated phrase, but in today's day and age people spend so much time focused on what people look like that I feel like we miss out on a lot of the actual person. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to look your best sometimes. It's fun to get all dressed up and put on your make-up and do your hair (boys, in case you are wondering I'm mainly focusing on the girls here. When I say "hair and makeup" just imagine I'm saying your favorite polo and your best cologne!). But always looking perfect shouldn't be our main focus. I always really took it for granted, but I didn't realize how much I appreciated my friends that loved me in my best dress or in sweats and a t-shirt. I have been so blessed with some of the best friends anyone could ask for.

I want to brag on my guy friends for a second. I think guys have more of a pressure to look for the outward appearance of a girl in today's world. This may be wrong, but that's what I see. I have friends that would tell me everyday that I looked beautiful, no matter how I really looked. One of the first things I noticed about a guy I met at Harding was that he would tell every girl he talked to, every Sunday when he saw them, that they looked beautiful. I asked him about it one time and his response was so incredible. He said "You girls look beautiful all the time. You have beauty that shines from the inside and that makes you girls beautiful, always".

Wow. I mean, how wonderfully refreshing is that? But part of me is sad that this mentality is "unique" and "refreshing". I feel like it should be so commonplace that you don't even notice it anymore. But, I don't see this happening. I do, however, believe that every girl deserves a guy like this. A guy who will love you when you're dressed up at a fancy restaurant, and when you're sick and have to cancel a date out, and instead go and watch a movie in sweats.

And don't get me wrong. Girls also tend to look at the outward appearance of guys. I'm not just ragging on guys here. It's just because I'm a girl it's much easier to look at it from the girl's point of view.

So this is my challenge to you (from a girl's perspective). Guys- don't be the man in the verse "For man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart". Look at the heart of a girl first. Because that, not her looks, defines who she is. And girls- hold out for a guy that looks at your heart. That thinks you're beautiful no matter what because you deserve nothing less.

Be salt and light!!


Sunday, July 10, 2011

New Format- Hopefully!

I recently realized that if I am going to have any hopes of blogging regularly, I will need a schedule. Because I forget. Or get busy (which has been the case the past few weeks!). So here is my plan! I'm going to attempt to blog a minimum of three times a week, with at least one "song or quote" blog. I'm really excited because I'm started keeping a journal, so a lot of my posts will probably be from the journal entries I've written. I have a lot of new ideas too, so that will be great fun. Anyway, I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Church this morning and this evening was very challenging but also uplifting. I absolutely love my church. I miss the kids that went on mission trip though. REALLY wish I coulda snuck on the bus and gotten away with it. Oh well, they're going to do awesome work and I can't wait to hear all about it! Have a great week!

Be salt and light!


Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't Become a 'Just' Guy (or GIrl)

Molly: I knew it. As soon as I saw that suit.
Henry: Knew what?
Molly: You're a 'just' guy.
Henry: What's a 'just' guy?
Molly: A guy just like you. Same hair, same suit, same shoes, walks around, no matter what, you think it's all just a store, it's just a bench, it's just a tree. It's just what it is, nothing more!
Henry: Alright but this... is just a store.
Molly: I'm sure to you it is.

If you've read my blog post entitled "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium", then you've read this quote before. This concept has really been on my mind lately. One of my life ambitions is to always live with passion and do everything that I do with passion. Very often though, my mind turns to the "just" mentality. "Well, this is 'just' math class.", "This is 'just' a project for my boss.", etc. I think becoming a "just" person can be very dangerous. If we begin thinking in the "just" mentality about the little things, then how long will it be before we start thinking of bigger things in the "just" sense? "Well, I really should finish up this project at work. It's 'just' my kid's 5th grade recital, there will be another one soon". "I know my husband (or wife) asked me to do (insert request here) but I'm so tired from work. It's 'just' this one time I'll say no. Next time I'll help out!" Soon enough though, the next time never comes. There are no more opportunities. The "just" trap can be dangerous and come quickly, if we let it.

What if, however, we let ourselves get out of the "just" box? What if we looked at that tree (to use the example from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium) as not "just" a tree, but as one of God's wonderful creations? Or as the request from our husband or wife, mother, father, etc as not a burden, but as an opportunity to serve that person that we love and show them that we love them? Once we get out of the "just" mind frame, a new world is opened to us. It opens us up to new opportunities, and I truly believe we become happier because we see the world through new eyes.

My challenge to you today is probably fairly obvious. Do not let yourself become a "just" person. Look at everything in life as a wonderful opportunity to better yourself and others and try to look deeper than just surface level.

Be salt and light!!!

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Church- Made of Love, Not Stones

One thing a lot of you may not know about me is that I am a quote junky. I LOVE looking through quotes and I get excited when I find one particularly insightful. Nerdy, perhaps. But hey- it could be worse. All that to say, tonight I was looking through quotes and ran across one I particularly liked.

"While God waits for His temple to be built of love, men bring stones."

It took me several minutes of just sitting here thinking about it before I really grasped what it was saying. When I got it though, I absolutely loved it. This quote is so true. I am probably a broken record when it comes to this topic, but I will continue to say this as often as I can, because I think it is so important. We are the church. Not the building, the stones and brick and mortar. Us. The church is just a place. Now don't misunderstand me. The place where the church goes on Sunday and Wednesdays and whenever else is so important because it gives a place for members of Christ's body to meet together and encourage each other and learn from each other. But if that's ALL we do, sit in a church building and listen and sing a few songs- what good is that? The Bible tells us that faith without deeds is useless. I am as guilty at this as the next person. But how many of us pray for God to change the world through us or pray for God to bless this person or that person, and then go on our way and think to ourselves that now God is going to take care of it so it's out of our hands and that we've done our job? In this case, it is NOT the thought that counts. It is OUR responsibility to help people, to be Christ's hands and feet. What if, instead of just praying that Susan starts making better choices, we befriend her and SHOW her just what the love of Christ can do in a person? Or instead of just saying that we hope that the Allan family's situation gets better, we rallied the church to buy them groceries or provide free babysitting for their children so that the parents can work extra hours? Granted, these are random for instance-es. But you get my point. There is something we can do to help people, and we should. If the church was what it should be, a body of believers determined to be the light of Christ in this world and show people with our actions how Christ has changed them...how could people argue with us? Instead of Christians going out to convert people, people would be coming to the church because they WANTED to be there. There would be something so attractive, something so wonderful, that they couldn't help but want to be a part of it.

One last thing that's on my mind about this- I think something we can all do better at is looking with the eyes of Jesus. If we saw every person as a broken person who desperately needs the love and healing power of God, then it would help us as well. We would gossip less, because we would be concerned for that person instead of wanting to belittle them. We would get angry less, because we would realize we ALL fall short. And the list goes on.

Going back to the quote, we need to focus less on the building itself and more on the people IN the building. My challenge to you for this week is simply...do something. Praying is good and useful and you can never underestimate the power of prayer. But don't stop there. Do something for someone. And then...do something else.

Be salt and light!!!


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lessons Learned from Movies

This summer when I am going to be able to have scheduled time to blog, I'm going to have different categories. One I'm implementing now is "Lessons that I learned from movies".

This is a goofy movie to say the least, but the other day I watched "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure". It's one of those "have to see it to get the quotes" movies, but it was very funny. I'll let you watch it on your own sometime (it's on youtube, alright!) but two teenagers get involved in time travel. At one point in the movie, they get asked for a piece of advice. Their advice? "Be excellent to each other".

As random as this may be, this is my challenge for you. Be excellent to each other. Be kind, be patient, be humble, be forgiving, be a friend, be a mentor...whatever the other person needs- be that for them. Simply... be excellent.

That's my insight for the week. Nothing deep, just something I was thinking about recently. Have a great weekend!

Be salt and light!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Who is YOUR Lazarus?

Most of us have probably heard the story a dozen times. There was a rich man, who had everything on this earth he could want. By the worlds standards, he was well off. And then there was poor Lazarus. Sick and homeless, he sat outside of the rich man's house day after day, begging for just the scraps left over from the rich man's table. One thing I think is important to note is that Lazarus has a name, while the rich man is only referred to as "the rich man". While Lazarus was nothing by this world's standards, by God's standards he was so much. And when they both die, angels came and carried Lazarus to Abraham's side. Think about this for a moment. The rich man probably had a grand funeral, with people weeping throughout the city. Lazarus was probably just tossed somewhere, and no one gave it a second thought. Yet at death, everything is switched! The world's standards will mean nothing when we come to meet our Maker. So Lazarus is taken to Abraham, and the rich man is thrown into Hades. There is more to the story, and I would encourage you to read it in Luke, because it is a thought-provoking story about Heaven and Hell and the divine reversal that comes for believers.

I want to maybe look at it from a slightly different perspective, though.

What is interesting to note is that the rich man is NOT condemned for being rich. Hear me out. He's not condemned for being rich, he is condemned for hoarding those riches. He had to walk over Lazarus day after day, ignoring him, to get into his house. He had the means and the opportunity to help him out. Yet he does nothing. When the rich man asks (rather, tells) Abraham to send Lazarus to just put a drop of water on his tongue, Abraham tells him that in his life, he had comfort and Lazarus suffered. Abraham's point is not that the rich man had wealth, it is that he did not share it.

In other stories about rich men or parables that Jesus tells concerning the wealthy, it is never the wealth condemned specifically. It is what is done (or rather, what is not done) with the wealth. It is when wealth becomes what is most important, when you put money-making over serving others or your family or the church, that it becomes bad.

Something I was greatly challenged with today is this fact- we are rich. The disciples seemed to know this. When the rich young ruler asks Jesus what he must do, and Jesus tells him to go sell everything he has and to follow him, Jesus follows up with the phrase, "I tell you the truth! It is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle". But have you ever paid attention to the disciples follow-up question?

"Who then can be saved?"

The disciples seemed to get it. We are all rich. Some of us may have less than others, but we are all so, so rich. Not just in material blessings. We have friends, family, a church family, education... Now I also believe that almost all of us are materially rich too. You may be shaking your head and thinking of someone more well off than you. But hey, you're on a computer reading this, right? And how many pairs of shoes do you have in your closet? Do you have more than one set of clothing in your closet? Food on the table every night? A tv? Automatic dishwashing (what a wonderful invention!)? Now, this is why I previously stated that having this stuff is NOT bad. I am NOT telling you to go sell everything you have and live on the streets. But a challenge that God gave me today that I want to pass on to you is this- What are you doing with your wealth?

Who is the person you pass day after day and do nothing to help? Is it the person sitting by themselves at lunch? What about the co-worker who everyone avoids because they are a little off? Or the kid at school that gets picked on for being different? Or what about the person at church who may act differently or have different beliefs, and therefore is usually sitting by themselves? Do not fool yourself, do not let Satan fool yourself, into thinking that there isn't SOMEONE'S life who you could greatly bless. THIS IS A LIE. If you honestly can not think of a single person who's life you could improve, then I would say open your eyes. People are hurting. It is our duty, our commission, our divine command, to help these people.

Who is your Lazarus?

Be salt and light!


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

God is Amazing

Well. Isn't that title the understatement of the century? Today I was challenged to just stop. To stop and take a deep breath and consider life and everything that is in it.

God's ways are mysterious and awesome.

Consider this. God could have made us to where we didn't have to eat. He could have just zapped us with nutrients. He could have also just as easily not invented taste. Everything could have tasted like..well nothing. But we can taste things that are sweet, sour, spicy, or other things like that. Now, this may be just me (I know it's not, but we can say that) but I love food. I genuinely enjoy eating food. I like the different tastes and my day is always made when I get to eat one of my favorite foods. And it's not only that. My family and I have had so many wonderful conversations over the dinner table. If we didn't HAVE to eat, I don't think that we would get to do that as often. I mean sure, we would sit down every now and then and talk. But because we HAVE to eat, we get to sit down almost everyday, together, and enjoy each other's company.

Consider laughter as well. We don't need it. There's no practical use for it, no medical reason that I'm aware of. And yet, laughter relieves stress and can ease tension in a stressful situation. I was joking with one of my friends the other day that I can't stay mad at people because I am one of those people that laugh at ANYTHING. (Well, almost) And so I was telling him that if I am angry, all they have to do is make me laugh and my anger fizzles away to nothing. Laughter brings people together...it is a bond, so to speak, between people. Laughter is a wonderful thing.

There are so many other things. Rain for one. God could have just made the ground magically water itself, but he created this wonderful and refreshing thing called rain that shows His power and might, while at the same time showing His beauty and creativity.

Do you know what the Fibonacci sequence is? You start with one. And since there is nothing to add it to, you just add it to zero.

1, 1

Next, you add the last two together (one and one is...two!! whoah)

1, 1, 2

Add the next two...

1, 1, 2, 3,

Then again,

1, 1, 2, 3, 5

And so on.

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233....

That is the fibonacci sequence. I know what you're thinking...why the random math lesson?

But the fibonacci sequence is found all throughout nature. It is in the number of leaves on a plant. A shell has a fibonacci sequence. A sunflower. A pine cone. A pineapple. All of these random objects in nature, have this seemingly random pattern. How cool is God? He didn't have to do it, but it's something that makes you stop and think "Is there any way I could POSSIBLY believe that this, ALL of this, happened by chance? By randomness?"

The human body is so complex. The different organs and systems, all working together so that we can live. But we don't just live. God has blessed us so that we can FEEL. We can love. We have emotions, we form bonds with people. How great is that?

Stars. I don't think there's any real need for stars. They don't determine anything in our life. They're just there. But. How cool is it that they're there? That God saw it fit to put something so beautiful there, just for the admiration and happiness of men when they look upon them?

I realize I've barely scratched the surface of this topic. But I just wanted to challenge you, like I was challenged. To stop. Look around you. Hear laughter, and rejoice in it. Feel love for someone, and rejoice in it. If it's raining, look at it, go walk in it, dance in it..I don't care what you do other than rejoice in it. So many times we ignore some of the most obvious, and at the same time often the most hidden, blessings in our life. When you're sitting at the table with your family or friends...rejoice. Enjoy each other.

This week, rejoice in the things we often miss.

Be salt and light!!

oh ps, be looking for blog posts more frequently now. I'm getting back in the swing of writing everyday, sorry for the break!

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Hello fellow bloggers. I realize it's been awhile...and again I apologize. Once summer hits, I promise I will be able to keep up more regularly. School's been GREAT, making some awesome new friends. SPEAKING of summer.... I found out the other day that I'm going to San Diego for vacation with my family this summer! Ahh! Excitement. San Diego is defnitely one of my favorite places in this world, so I can not wait. If you are planning on going to San Diego, here is a really great place to look for more information.

Click Here!
Hope everyone's life is going splendidly. Encourage someone this week, and be salt and light!


Monday, March 7, 2011

Finding Peace in a Crazy Life

These past few weeks have been very exhausting and stressful to me. There is so much going on with school and friends that at times I just want to pull my hair out. I don't feel like I have time to breathe (nevertheless blog!) and I just want a day to just sit. Sit and do nothing. I realized though that I have to make that time. I've been challenged this week to be more studious in my Bible reading and journeling, and it has helped tremendously. I'm more focused on God and on finding His will in my everyday life. So my challenge to you this week is this- read your Bible. As simple as that may sound, just take time out of your day to really and truly focus on God's word. I promise you it will be more than worth it.

Be salt and light!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Click here :)

I just ran across this song, and I really liked it. I definitely think this relates to women's relationship with men, but even more importantly I think this can be related to our relationship with God. We all want to feel beautiful and loved, and this is how God views us. As wonderful creations of His. So next time you're feeling down, remember that God made YOU. And "God don't make no junk". (Thank you Encounter).

Have a wonderful rest of the week, and be salt and light!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Time Flies!

It is amazing how fast time goes by. I think that it's been a week since my last post...and then realize it's been a lot longer than a week. So I'm sorry for that. College get's crazy!

We just got back to school from having two snow days. It was wonderful. I got to spend some time with my wonderful friends, sledding and just watching movies. Little side note-snow is amazing. Well, to a Texas girl it is. But I just love snow! It is soft and I just think it's so...amazing that God made snow flakes to where no two are alike. That's just crazy to me.

I don't really have an insightful post for today, except to be sure to capture and treasure every moment. Life is too short to get hung up on the little things. I hope you have a WONDERFUL day.

Be salt and light!


Monday, January 31, 2011

Observations on Worship

Last night, I went to the singing worship at Downtown Church of Christ and on Thursday, I went to the singing devo that is on campus. And both times, I was moved to tears. So I got to thinking. How awesome is worship going to be in heaven?

We think worship sounds great if there are 100 people there. What about the billions of people in the world that will go to heaven? And then you factor in generations. There will be more people in heaven than we can fathom..and some day we will all be praising God. It was very humbling and exciting at the same time.

So my encouragement is to worship God this week with your life, whether by praying or being nice to someone or whatever you choose to do.

Be salt and light!!


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Live Like You Were Dying

One of my favorite country songs is a song by Tim McGraw entitled "Live like you were dying". This song has been one of my favorites for awhile, as it really speaks to me. So first, I would encourage you to listen to it.


This song really encourages me to be a better person. I know that may sound a little strange, but imagine if everyone lived as if today was their last. Don't get me wrong, I think we do need to make plans for the future. But if everyone lived like they were dying, I think people would be more forgiving, more loving, and kinder in general to people. Life is too short to live any other way than to live every day to it's full potential.

So this is my encouragement for this week. Pray that God shows you ways to be kind to people and to open your heart to forgive those who need forgiving. Live your life to it's fullest- love deeper, speak sweeter, and give forgiveness to those you've been denying. Especially the love deeper part, because love covers over a multitude of sins :)

Have a WONDERFUL week, and be salt and light!!
~Hannah Stone~

Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Christmas time" is over...now what?

So, I love Christmas. I know that's probably a very cliché statement, but it's such a wonderful season. For the couple of weeks leading up to Christmas, people are just nicer. Granted, there will still be the grumpy people that are grumpy no matter what. But there is just a feeling in the air around Christmas that makes everything seem...well, magical. Yes, I said it. Magical. It's “the most wonderful time of the year”, as the popular song states. There seems to be less people honking at cars on the road. People seem more apt to let someone cut in on the highway, or even in line at a store if they are in a hurry. Christmas is the only time strangers can stand on other stranger's porches and sing songs to them and it's not considered strange. You see people donating time and money to the Salvation Army, you see people going out of their way to help complete strangers. My church does a wonderful outreach called “stars of hope”, and every year I am amazed at the outpouring of love and kindness I see from the members of the church. I could tell a hundred stories from the past few years of helping with the stars of hope, but more details on that may be for another time. My point is, Christmas is a time when you see people reaching out to help each other and there is a feeling of peace.

Here we are, a couple weeks later. Life is back to normal. People are honking again, cutting people off on the highway, and I'm pretty sure if someone stood on my porch and started singing to me, I would probably be a little weirded out. There are no more Salvation Army people on the street corners, and it seems that the Christmas spirit has been replaced by the complacency and routine that exists for about 50 weeks of the year. This makes me sad.

Why do we wait until Christmas to go out of our way to help people? Why does the patience and love that seems to abound at Christmas suddenly disappear? Christmas is the celebration of Jesus' birth. Yes I know, I know. He was probably born in the spring because the evidence suggests (insert facts indicating Jesus was born in the spring here). But we don't know the exact date. And quite frankly, I don't think that it matters when someone was born, just that we remember and celebrate it. So, December 25 is as good a day as any to celebrate Jesus' birth around the world. But as Christians, we don't just celebrate his birth on Christmas and then let it go. We celebrate his birth, and his life, and his death and resurrection all year round. We do more good things around Christmas in the name of Jesus. Why should that be different than the other 364 days? I think that in some ways, Christmas should be just another time of the year that Christians do great things to help people. How great will the day be when every day is like Christmas? Not in the sense of getting presents, but in going out of our way to help strangers just because it's the right thing to do.

So this is my challenge to you. Not just for today, or this week, or this year. But always try to keep the same attitude that you have at Christmas. Always be looking for ways to improve someone's life, whether a closest friend or a stranger. And remember, by doing this, you might be entertaining an angel.

MerryAlways-Christmas, and be salt and light!!


Picnic lunch with great friends=perfect day.

Today I got the opportunity to go to lunch with two of my best friends. Not only a lunch...a picnic lunch at botanic gardens. It was beautiful and the best weather. I know I've already written a post about friends, but I wanted to reemphasize what wonderful friends I have. Matthew is one of my best friends, and we can talk about anything. Katie has been one of my best friends for a long time, and I can always count on her to make me smile or laugh when I need to. What makes them such good friends is that we can have great conversations about God and life in general. Today was such a good day, and now I'm in a really good mood. It made me really think about how blessed I am. I know I've said this a lot in previous posts. But think about you and your life. Do you have friends that you can tell anything to? Have you thanked God for them lately? I really took my friends for granted, and then when I got to college I realized how much they really impacted my life. My challenge for this week is to think about your good friends, the ones that your closest to, and thank God for them. And then thank them for being there for you and let them know how much they mean to you.

Be salt and light!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm Back :)

So, I came home for Christmas break and took about a month off from the blog, because I was so busy. I'm back in full force now, and excited about writing about my Christmas and other such things. Today I just wanted to talk a little bit about my family. I have the best family ever, hands down. I got the opportunity to see my close family and extended family. My family is a very close bunch, and I will definitely be dedicating more blogs to them. But this Christmas really let me appreciate more what a wonderful family I have and how truly blessed I am. They're so much fun to be around, and we are always laughing and talking. Christmas is my favorite time of the year. People make fun of me because I tend to go a little overboard in my enthusiasm for the holiday, but it's a time when you just get to relax and be around family and friends. You also see more kindness in people (more about that in my next post). I mainly just wanted to write to say that I'm back, and that I've already started writing my next several blog posts. I hope your Christmas was wonderful!

Be salt and light!