Thursday, June 2, 2011

Don't Become a 'Just' Guy (or GIrl)

Molly: I knew it. As soon as I saw that suit.
Henry: Knew what?
Molly: You're a 'just' guy.
Henry: What's a 'just' guy?
Molly: A guy just like you. Same hair, same suit, same shoes, walks around, no matter what, you think it's all just a store, it's just a bench, it's just a tree. It's just what it is, nothing more!
Henry: Alright but this... is just a store.
Molly: I'm sure to you it is.

If you've read my blog post entitled "Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium", then you've read this quote before. This concept has really been on my mind lately. One of my life ambitions is to always live with passion and do everything that I do with passion. Very often though, my mind turns to the "just" mentality. "Well, this is 'just' math class.", "This is 'just' a project for my boss.", etc. I think becoming a "just" person can be very dangerous. If we begin thinking in the "just" mentality about the little things, then how long will it be before we start thinking of bigger things in the "just" sense? "Well, I really should finish up this project at work. It's 'just' my kid's 5th grade recital, there will be another one soon". "I know my husband (or wife) asked me to do (insert request here) but I'm so tired from work. It's 'just' this one time I'll say no. Next time I'll help out!" Soon enough though, the next time never comes. There are no more opportunities. The "just" trap can be dangerous and come quickly, if we let it.

What if, however, we let ourselves get out of the "just" box? What if we looked at that tree (to use the example from Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium) as not "just" a tree, but as one of God's wonderful creations? Or as the request from our husband or wife, mother, father, etc as not a burden, but as an opportunity to serve that person that we love and show them that we love them? Once we get out of the "just" mind frame, a new world is opened to us. It opens us up to new opportunities, and I truly believe we become happier because we see the world through new eyes.

My challenge to you today is probably fairly obvious. Do not let yourself become a "just" person. Look at everything in life as a wonderful opportunity to better yourself and others and try to look deeper than just surface level.

Be salt and light!!!

1 comment:

  1. You are seriously obsessed with that movie....maybe we should watch it with Ms. Savage?
