Today in my “Planting Churches Cross-Culturally” class with Dr. Bill Richardson, we discussed an “attractional” church verses a “incarnational” church. An attractional church is one that has people come to it. A church that tries to get the lighting right, the seats comfortable, the youth minister “hip” enough, the powerpoint presentation interesting and eye-catching, a great VBS, etc. An incarnational church is one that reaches out, that goes into the world to reach people. An example was given of a church that doesn't have a building, they just go to the inner city and reach out to people every Sunday. They don't expect people to just come to them, they go to people. To be honest, I was really struggling with class today. The book we are reading seemed to be implying that the best way, the only way, was to be a strictly incarnational church. I had trouble with this- the church holds great importance in the New Testament. The gathering of believers was held in high regard and instruction was given on orderly worship. So how could be a strictly incarnational church, yet still hold to the biblical importance of the gathering of believers and the method of worship outlined in the first century?
If you know me at all, you've heard me talk about the Burleson Church of Christ. This is my home congregation. No matter where I go in the world, Burleson will always be my home, and it was when I started thinking about Burleson Church of Christ that I realized- we can be both! We can be an incarnational AND attractional church. There is a happy medium. Burleson does a wonderful job of this. We have a great staff of elders, deacons, ministers that go into the world and minister to those that need it. It is not, however, just limited to the staff. The great thing about Burleson is that “going out into the world” is given such great importance. We have things that make us an attractional church. We have guest speakers and VBS and seminars that we advertise, we have a “hip” (I put it in air quotes because of the silly word, not because Mark isn't cool) youth minister, an awesome worship leader, a great college minister and comfortable seating, and that brings people into our doors. But we also have wonderful outreach programs. These are not just limited to the adults, either. In the summer the kids have something once a week where they come up to church and do a service project. The youth has “Servant Saturdays” in which they go into the community and help others, or “Uplift Tour” where they sing for different members of our church. The church, young and old, gets together at Thanksgiving and again at Christmas to get together baskets for people in Burleson that need help for the holidays. If they can't come pick it up, we take it to them. I could go on and on about the wonderful job that Burleson does of reaching out to the community. But if we just did service projects every Sunday instead of going to church, then where could people go for support from fellow Christians, or where could we bring the people who like what we are showing them and want to learn more? This is why the meeting together is so important. We must go show people the love of Jesus, and that can and will change their lives. But once they realize they need a change, they will need support. And we have that. We can show them “Look, you have a family here that loves you and supports you and cares deeply about you. We can pray for you, we can sit with you, we can help you.” This is why we need a body of believers to gather. To be uplifted, to uplift others, and to be with their family.
I'm not saying Burleson is perfect, no church is. I just know that, growing up in Burleson, service and reaching out is something that was ingrained in me from a very young age. And whether you are a a member of Burleson or another congregation, I would encourage everyone to take a good look at the ministry of your life. Are you reaching out to people? Is your light bright enough that people notice a difference..and want that difference? I know, it's definitely easier said than done. But we need to make sure we don't become so comfortable in our pews, with our dim lights and cool powerpoint slides, that we forget that while we're sitting inside, there are people out there hungry and desperate for the love and power and change that comes from having a personal relationship with Jesus. This week- reach out. It's as simple and difficult as that.
Be salt and light!!
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